Please keep praying for our Palestinian Christian brothers and sisters, especially those who live in Gaza. Pray that the would be "strong and courageous" and especially bold in loving their neighbors and their enemies, as Jesus commanded us to do. Remember that earlier this summer, radical Islamic jihadists blew up the Bible book store in Gaza, run by the Palestinian Bible Society. There is a concerted effort to intimidate and silence evangelical believers in the West Bank and Gaza. Let us, therefore, not cease to pray.
Here are excerpts from an email I received yesterday from a dear friend who works closely with our brothers and sisters in Gaza:
"Rami was targeted because of his heart for lost Muslims and was told that he was being 'watched.' Rami was one of the most gifted of the young leaders at the Bible Society. Saturday night he finished his work and then locked the doors of the Bible Society. One young woman from Gaza put it this way: 'He locked the doors and headed home. His earthly home was about 15 minutes away, but instead he was taken to his Heavenly home.' Rami was kidnapped and finally killed Saturday night. He was stabbed repeatedly and then shot. The Islamic terrorists threw his body from a car at 2 AM on Sunday morning. No terrorist group has claimed responsibility yet and Pastor Hanna says the details are still sketchy. One thing is clear, this dear brother would not be intimidated by threats, harassment, persecution, and even death. He stayed strong until the end and will be given a martyrs crown in Heaven. His funeral was today. He is with Jesus right now. Pastor Jack Sara in Jerusalem says that this is the first Palestinian martyr that they know of. The believers in Gaza have been experiencing all out persecution since Hamas took over the Strip. It looks like Islamic Sharia law is just around the corner in Gaza. Please pray for his sweet wife Pauline. Obviously, she is devastated. Pastor Hanna and the believers in Gaza have rallied together and are at her side. This is difficult since the Christian community in Gaza is laying low because of continual threats."
"Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life."
-- Revelation 2:10
Rami has received his eternal crown.