An Iranian friend of mine -- a Shiite convert to Christianity -- just emailed me this CBN News storry from inside Iran. Posted on YouTube, it tells the story of the "growing chorus" of secret believers in Jesus inside Iran, including moving footage from a secret worship service of Muslim converts.
Please be praying for courage and wisdom for these secret believers to withstand the persecution of the government, and for their boldness in sharing their newfound faith with fellow Shiite Muslims.
A revolution is underway inside the nation the Bible calls Persia. It is a revolution for Jesus, not jihad. Another friend of mine who works closely to strengthen the underground movement of believers in the Farsi-speaking world told me the other day that the number of Iranian converts is growing so fast, he and his colleagues believe there will be 10,000 new home churches planted inside that country this year alone. Let us stand with our brothers and sisters in prayer, especially as the clouds of war gather in the Gulf.