Dr. James Dobson interviewed Joel Rosenberg as part of a week-long radio broadcast series on the threat of radical Islam to the U.S. and Israel and how followers of Jesus Christ can and should respond....they specifically discussed the importance of building a global movement of believers who care for and are involved in God's work in the epicenter and The Joshua Fund's four-part strategy, Learn, Pray, Give and Go....please join us in praying that of the millions that listen to the Focus on the Family series, many will be moved to:
1) Learn more about God's plan and purpose for the Middle East and what He is already doing there so powerfully;
2) Pray wisely and consistently for the believers in the epicenter and for those who don't yet know the Lord Jesus;
3) Give to Christian ministries who are working humbly and effectively to bless the people of the epicenter in the name of Jesus; and
4) Go visit the nations of the epicenter and even to serve the Church there short-term or full-time, as the Lord leads them.
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